All classrooms are pretty much the same. They all have desks and chairs for about 30 students, possibly computers, with an interactive whiteboard at the front. The only different ones are subject specific rooms - Science, Technology, ICT. Classrooms are like this because that is how students have been taught for the last generation - teacher-led, taking notes.
Yes, things are changing. Yes, you do more group work, more research work, more active learning. But imagine how different things could be - if you had a different classroom.
There are real examples of 21st century learning within 21st century classrooms. Large, open spaces to hold 120 students; rooms where ICT is central but also allows for working with other students; breakout rooms where students can work in small groups; one room which has different areas, allowing for all sorts of different types of learning to happen; the learning that can happen in the corridor; the use of outside space.
Classrooms designed to change learning.
Imagine if you could design a classroom from scratch. What would it be like?
7N - would like to see plenty of bright colours across the school. They think computers should be accessible in all lessons. They would like to see things hanging from the ceilings and special designs for interactive whiteboards. They suggested a room for naughty students. They would like to see Sofa's and a more homely look to the school.
more colourful and fun more like a home
computers for evry student and colourful walls and more fun
i think it could be more homely,
colourful wall
more bright colours
personal desks
things hanging off the ceiling
a book shelf for people who forget to bring reading books,
a room for naughty children
computers for every child in the class
more space
comfier chairs
i think that all the classrooms should be very different to each other, this will make us feel comfortable and it might even help some people learn better.
the classrooms should have: New computer for everyone, sofa's the have wheels instead of chair, bright and colourful walls, lamps hanging of the ceiling, and a really small room painted in red were naughty people can go.
Kathryn Lucas 7N
I think you should have your own desk in every clas room.
Big comfier chairs
A laptop each
A soft room for naughty children
A room for each class to hang out in
Pegs for coats and bags to prevent loss of personal items and tripping up
A cash machine
I just think school should be more like HOME
I think that there should be enough desks for a student each. The room should be bright and friendly with a homely feeling. At the sides of the room there should be egg chairs for group discussion and a table in the centre. We should each have a laptop so we don't have to worry about have to run to the computer to get one. I think we should get mac computers or laptops because they have a long life. Even though they are a bit expensive it's worth it because not only will it save money (because we won't have to keep buying the latest thing)but it will also save time.
I think that the new classrooms should have computers at our desks for each lesson, if needed, as the school are running low on computers. I would also like to see bright colourful class rooms, as well as desks that you can keep your things underneath! The one thing that would make classrooms ideal is to have a place where everyone can leave their own things e.g paper work. We could have a tray with our names on that we would only put our work for each lessons! And if possible big classrooms.
i would like to see ore colourful walls and it to be more homly and if someone is naughty there should be a room where it is gray and there is a little chair in the corner and i would also like more computers in the libary it shoud be more colourful and there should be bright sofas in there also our own desks that are colourful and thats all.
I think that the school should have more bookcases in the classrooms, so that children can use the books in a lesson, they idelley would be about the subject for example if you are in History you can go to the book shelf and easily find a book about Past Kings and Queens.
Each subject should have there own colour theme which stays though out inculding the workbooks, the walls, the chairs and tables ect.
I think that each classroom should be unique have features that not many other classrooms have as say in the drama rooms the all look the same and it may be quite confusing for the new year sevens.
I think that each classroom should be more like an morden apartment for students then a classroom with a few egg chairs and bigger tables for group work but a table for each person. With the window having colourful blinds instead of plain.
Chairs and desks
I think that the chairs that slid under the desks should be slightly padded so they are comfy for the students. The chairs should also have arm rests for extra comfort.The chairs for the teachers should be red tulip chairs so the teachers desk is clear in the classroom and the teachers feel comfy. There should be a corner in the classroom where the students can chill down if they get angery in the lesson, this area would also be used as a chatting area for students in form time and if teachers want to have a one to one chat with the pupils. The tables should be one per child but it woulld be handy if they could be moved to create a bigger table if doing group work.It would be nice if the tables were bold,bright colours to brighten up the classrooms and they had groves in where students could place there objects eg.pencilcases,waterbottles,folder ect.
It would be nice if the students lockers where outside there form rooms as this would make them easy to access, i think that the lockers should be locked and unlocked by codes which only the students know to prevent loss of keys.
I think that each classroom should have a mixture of Mac's and PC in as there are some features that macs have that pcs don't and vis versa.Preferbley each student would have there on laptop which would only work in the school-however that might not work that well with money issues.
Other bits eg. folders
I think that every classroom should have a section where there are all the students files and books so the teachers can keep track of who has there book in a lesson. It would be really nice if the students at the end of the day signed themsevles out using an interactive register. Also there should be a place in the students form room where the students could write notices to each other when they need too.
Sorry if it's to long and sorry about the spelling mistakes:)
i will love if the class have colour and there was a lifte in the school
It would be good if we had cushions and sofa in clssrooms and some chairs in the school. we should tables for individuals in the class room and computers stuck to it
i would like the school to have bigger classrooms
and brighter for heartwarmth.
for my ideal classroom, i would like more computer facilitys, more brighter and bolder colours and more comfortable chairs.
i would also would like it to be more comforting in the sense of it feeling like home and NOT SCHOOL!
we could paint the walls splash paint over the walls with sponge
i want the claasses to be colorful
I think the walls should be multi-coloured with oatterns on the wall. Inside the walls and floors should have central heating and air conditioning, depending on the weather.
On each desk should be a computer or a laptop. Certain websites will be locked on these computes so pupils can't access websites that aren't to do with their work.
For people that have finished their work their should be a comfort zone. Pupils can sit down on comfy chairs reading a book or listening to music.
Naughty pupils should be seperated from the rest of the class so they don't disrtract the others. They could have a seperate room or a seperate part of the room.
The lights should be powered by solar panels so it would be greener. There could be potted plants to make it more homely.
Teachers shouldn't rely so much on the white boards or books but they should do more stuff outside the classroom.
Funky objects should hang from the ceilings to make it more modern. Peices of art and paintings should go on the wall even if it's not an art room.
Shelves full of books and folders should e painted to contrast the walls. For example the walls can be a bright green and the shelves can be pink.
A colourful bright room with modern technolodgy.
I would like to make this school more exciting and bigger and more colourful.I think that we should have more freedom such as more class variaty and more mufty and pj days. i also think we should have a school swimming pool and if we get a certain amount of comedations we get to miss a lesson and swim in it.
i'd like a more colourful class room with more computers , and more comfy setting areas
comfortable chairs
What i would also love to see would be single desks in every lesson so that students would have their own space to work and computers availible in every lesson to all students.Comfortable chairs for students to read in the mornings and afternoons.Last of all bright vibrant colours sighted all over the school would bring life into brenford.
i think it could be more homely,
colourful wall
more bright colours
personal desks
things hanging off the ceiling
a book shelf for people who forget to bring reading books,
a room for naughty children
computers for every child in the class
more space
comfier chairs
i would also like potted plants as it will create a more homely look,
air conditioner and a heater
a comfort zone
a naughty step
solar panels and wind turbines
personal folders
a combination locker
stationery drives like an area if someone forgets their equipment
the way the class in arranged
comfortable chairs
break areas to chill out
What I would love to see as a new classroom would be single desks in every classroom so student can work in their own induvidual space.I would also like to see comfortable chairs so pupils can sit there and read and access to computers in every lesson where students can have a computer each.Last of all would be bright colours all around the school so that it would bring life to Brentford!
I would like to have a computer each so we could do our own work. Also i would like an art for us to go and do art.
i would like a swimming pooolin school and sofas inside the classrooms
swimming poools and sofas in classrooms
sofas in classrooms and swimming pool in school
sofas in classrooms
sofas in classrooms
i would like to see more colourful classrooms and
more nicer chairs and a computer each and a swimming pool if it is hot but have different swimming pools for different years.
I want more computers
I would ike to have in our form room soft sofers
and soft chairs in sted of plastic chairs and
cool tables
individual desks,own laptop and colourful classrooms
Skool shood feel mor like HOME
i think that we should have a hall of fame but we call it hall of brentford when you print your hand on the wall and you put your name in it for people to remember you and also i think at playtime we should a nice privet area for students to chill out with their friends like in parks where they have a little place where you can go to and chill out
I think that the classrooms should be bigger with luminous color walls and a bouncy floor. It would be nice if the interactive whiteboard was changed to a virtual reality whiteboard. Everyone would enjoy their lessons. And they should have tables with a gum detector so if anyone puts gum under the table they should light up and make a really loud sound. :) Also they should make the lessons more fun by not doing too much written work!
i would like to hav more comftable chairs and more nicer fans and a swimming pool for different years at a time
I think that the emotional climate can cause some people to not feel very safe or at home, if we want this not to happen we should help each other and work with each other.
Sometimes how the school looks can effect how people feel.
i think emotional climate can affect loads of people mostly sudents because they can get deppresion there mood goes down but if we work all togather as a comunity and help work on emotioanl climate, i think that how the school looks can have affect on the students too e.g: when i walk in a dull and boring room my mood goes down but when i walk into a bright and fun room my mood changes and turns to a happy mood
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