Sunday, 21 June 2009

How do we best learn?

Classrooms of the future - you certainly have ideas about the physical space that would bring our classrooms into the 21st century.

What about who is in the classroom? And how the learning is organised?

Currently you are all taught with other students the same age, mostly in mixed ability groups, and led by teachers who are specialists in their subjects. You have a very clear timetable with lessons of mostly 50 minutes and then a bell that tells you it is time to stop learning. Is this the way that is has to be? Is this the best way to learn?

What about being taught with students from other year groups? Say that you were put into a group with students of the same ability in your subject, but who might be older, or younger, than you. You might be really good in Maths and studying for GCSE when you're 13 with 14 - 16 year olds, but not so good in English, therefore in a class with 11 - 13 year olds, improving your English.

What about having a more flexible timetable? Maybe on Fridays, rather than having a timetable, you would have a whole day dedicated to one subject. This would let you really develop your learning in that subject. The subject would change every Friday, and sometimes you would do a project which might be a combination of more than one subject e.g. Drama and History.

What about the way you learn? Some schools now give 'project-based' learning. This is similar to the work that Year 7 are doing in ILC this term where the whole work is based on answering one question. It can either be based on one subject, or again a combination of different subjects. These questions are often based on questions that you would have to answer if you were working in the real world.

Examples of different ways of organising our learning. Are any of these suitable for Brentford School for Girls?


manisha fourie 7N said...

there should be two extra teaches in each classroom in case the teacher cannot cope with the work, each child should have their own individual desk and the teaches should explain things more clearly so we wont have to worry them.

Tahreem:7N said...

we could have 2 teachers
more trips
we should also be allowed to choose some of the subjects we do

louise 7N said...

i think that in english, maths, science and language; all students in the class should be around the same level of work. in all the other classes, it should be mixed ability so that everyone can help each other.
For students that are in year8 should be able to help the new year 7's more and selected year8 students who did well in ILC should be able to go and help in the ILC lessons. Also students in sixth form should be able to help the students doing their GCSE's in booster lessons.
i think that on a friday, there should be a choice of what STUDENTS want to do as well as a free period to either go and use computer facilities for work, sit in the libary and read or to sit outside and have a chat to some friends. these things are resonable to do in free period.also, the lessons on the friday should be project based for the day ansering one question and presenting the awnser to the class at the end of the day but in a fun and creative way.

Olivia 7N said...

Each child should benifet personally from the lesson. Children at a higher level than other students should be seated spreatly from some of the students so that when people in the rest of the class need help the teacher knows who to ask to help the other students. We should have more double lessons during the week so we can get settled in to the lesson and do a good amount of work. Lessons should be combined with others eg. English and Drama instead of having two separate lessons with two teachers we should have one big lesson with two teachers from different areas working alongside each other in the same lesson with two classes one from year 9 and one from year 7.
There should be big projects that run across all departments say if in History you were lerning about William Harvey in science you would learn more about his discoveries so you can link subjects together. In music there should be more lessons in which you can use the other instruments like drums ect.

There should be more lessons in which other years get to interact with other years. The sixth forms should have a system in which in there spare lesson the go and talk to the students about there options for the GCSE's. There should be at least one double lesson a month where we have lecturs to students about different things-they would be about things the students would want to career advice,trainer to be a doctor. We should have more out of circulam subjects like politics, music history, law, advertisment or anatomey. Subjects that students might follw up and take a degree in if they go to university. Music could be split up in to groups like music history, Reading music, perfoming pieces ect. There should be a room where both students and teachers can be a bit like the staff room conbinded with the sixth commen room. This would be a place where students could go-without a note- and get help from thier teachers with homework. The students should get a chance to read there work out to the rest of the class at the end of the lesson. It would be really nice if Ms Tomkins could come into our lessons or do a few more are asseberlys

Anonymous said...

if we have fun we have a better chance of learning more. So have fun and also learn plenty of things.

Parnean said...

yh thats a gd idea to have fun when we are learning so we dont get bored and suddenly switch off.!!!
Have fun learn more

Kathryn Lucas 7N said...

We will learn better if we do mre practicl work and enjoy our lerning. If we just awnser questions in a book, we may not understand and we will not enjoy our learning. I think we should enjoy are learing and have fun. This will also boost our attendance if we enjoy our learing. I think e need to Make the most of the technologey around us in lessons and this will help us learn more things. I also think yr 7 should only do two days of ILC and be able to fit in R.E and P.S.H.E so we know what happens around us. We should also have mixed yr lessons.

fizza 7n said...

lessons shoild be more fun teachers should be more clear there should be 2 teachers in a class
sometimes we should be on individual desks
and the they should talk to every indbidual on their own
we should hav a awward system to make pupils excited and try their very best

bintu 7n said...

have more fun lessons and more latest tech

Jasmin 7n said...

Lessons should be held outside. That way pupils won't just be cramped in classes.

ANONYMOUS sS said...

I would like to have one laptop per pupil so we could have fun aswell as learn .

lauren 7n said...

i would like to have more colourful class rooms and more comftable chairs and have enough computers so every one can go on the at any times they want

chloe 7n said...

i would like to have more space in the class rooms and more comftable chairs and more coulorful classrooms and our own computers

hannah 7n said...

more trips more teachers in classroom to help.
more space in classroom and more range of text books

Rhiann 7N said...

We need to paint the classrooms and put usefull infomation on the walls to help sudents in class time. We also need more of the sudents work going on walls to get infomation and to put colour around the school! There should be a section for every year group where you could put the outstanding pieces of work, to make the sudents proud of themselves.

We need to make sure that there are enough per 2 childern with text books because sometimes in different subjects we are running low! I also agree that it is a good idea of having enough 1 laptop per student only if nessecary.
I would also like it if in some classes we did work but in differnt typs of ways. It would be great if we had class time as fun time that is if we are doing work and learning! I think that everyone would ejoy this more but we do need to learn, A great idea that is fun and educational is going to the sience museam or fun trips that children and teachers can go to, It is hard to organise it so if 1 or 2 evry 3 tearms should be enough. This way everyone is educated and had a great day out!!!!!

I would like it if we had a big project to do in each lesson and teachers would let us a the freedom to surf the net for infomation! You would learn alsorts when having fun at the same time! In year 7 we are doing a big project in ILC and having so much FUN!!!
(You are haaving fun if you have a fantastic time!!!)

Attendance is slipping and if we had more rewards like we had in essembly to get £20.00 vouter for hight street, this got so many pupils eager to win the money so they came into scholl! That was a great idea and should happen more through out the half tearms in futer!

I also think in lesson time teachers should try their hardest to repeat the task to help some students who don't want to raise their hand to ask for help. The teachers should go to the students indervidually to be 100% sure they know every child is on task. If childern have their own desks it should be easier for the teacher to give sertain childern in the class help!

mariam said...

i think when i have fun i do better where as when its only sitting down (glued to the sets)makes it boring so i think we should be more active and not to do much writing.

I think more trips are good ,more trips which are fun but at the same time educationl.

Also i think that we should have in each lesseons insted of 4 people or 2 people on a table we should have one big round table with every-body in the class on one big table because i think we work more well as a team and as a class insted of working by our selfs .

Gurya Khurana said...

i think it would be really good if the school in future was more comfortable and bright, this sometimes helps people to have a better attendence, we should also get to choose what subjects we want to do.
i think that the toilets should be cleaner and there should be a swimming pool covering half of the red gra, we could use that swimming pool in our pe lesson and the other pe group could use half of the red gra that is left.

Nadine Bailey 7N said...

I think that we should reduce lesson time to make time for an extra fun lesson, where each form, mabey on a friday afternoon shares ideas on how to create the perfect school of the future, and also play educational games e.g: education city ect...

This would be a great way of students getting together, having fun and sharing ideas. Then the ideas that were disscussed in the form time could be put foward to the school council and the successful ideas could be mentiond in assembely and students and teachers could vote to establesh what idea they want to put foward.

Judging how many people have posted on this website students obviously want to have a say in what happens to their school, so this extra lesson would be usefull for people to come foward with their ideas.

My second idea was to start every lesson off with an interactive white board starter, this gets pupils to enjoy learning and mabey even visit that website as homework, like in german, our form sometimes play interactive educational games on linguascope, this is a great way to end the lesson and when you enjoy learning, then you learn better and remember things better.

I hope my points are useful

kawthar 7n said...

i would like to have a swmming pool on the redgraph and more comftable chairs.

noreen 7n said...

i would like to have more comftable chairs and more coulorful class rooms

michelle 7n said...

i would like to have more coulorful class rooms and more computers

gemma 7n said...

i think lessones short be shorted to leave more space and time for lunch and break. also more teachers could help pupils who need extra help

bintu 7n said...

have more fun in class

Lubna 7n said...

I would have more fun lessons and lessons outdoors

jodie7n said...

to be more fun in owr lessons and do more activity

abbi (7n) said...

i would like to have more space in the class rooms and more comftable chairs and more coulorful classrooms and our own computers

lauren 7n * said...

i would like to have more coloufull class rooms and more space and i would like our libary to be more coulorful and i would like to have nice colourfull computers like year seven have a coulor of there own and then year eights would as well

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